This little surprise abstract piece has added so much joy to my days since I created it! It was an unexpected delight!🤍
I’m not a prolific abstract painter, but occasionally I like to have fun and explore this art form a little more….and this one may have me hooked! 🎨
Also, we had a little fun with naming this piece of art! I asked on Instagram for you to help me name this piece, and your entries were sooooo good!!!
I picked the ones that stood out to me and ran them across a few friends, and it was unanimous…….
This was a name I wouldn’t have thought of myself…so I’m just slap happy about it!😍
I hope you have fun with this painting and use it in all kinds of fun ways! (I personally have it printed in 8x10, 16x20, and 24x30….because I’m obsessed!